Chat Searcher

Stream Hatchet
Stream Hatchet
Published in
3 min readSep 20, 2018


Tl ; dr: We’ve got a cool new tool available that takes our “chat parser” to a whole new level.

The Detailed Channel is one of Stream Hatchet’s most granular tools. The ability to monitor minute by minute analytics in real time, allows you to really dive into the nuts and bolts of Twitch streaming.

The Champions Club Chat

The ability to search session chat for mentions of “lol” is appealing to brands, agencies, and sponsors looking to see if and how their endorsement is translating to chat mentions.

However, this granularity can also be limiting. Enter our newest tool: “Chat Searcher”

What if I told you, that you can now search EVERY single chat message sent on the Twitch platform? Let’s give it a go!


Shroud, currently has endorsement deals with a coffee company called, Madrinas. (I’m currently drinking some… it’s pretty good).

Using our chat searcher, we’re going to see if we can identify which streamer is generating more mentions for the brand. We’ll check over one week:

After selecting the chat tool, enter text query “Madrinas”, and select the channel Shroud. We can also search by: Games Played, Language, and date range.

I’ve also selected the “statistics” box to enable extra stats like, Unique channels, unique users, unique languages, and impressions. This slows down load time, so if you’re only looking for mentions don’t click it.

The Chat Searcher also enables us to gather an understand of the sentiment around these messages. If we scroll down, we’ll see the specific mentions, and any context around them.

Shroud’s Madrinas Chat Mentions

This enables us to not only see any context around the message, but also what game was being streamed when that text was sent, and how many viewers were active when that message was sent.

This data can utilize by the streamer, the brand, or the agency to maximize the endorsement value. If Shroud knows that his PUBG audience is more likely to spam Madrinas while he’s dropping into Sanhok, then Shroud can up the discount to 50% in order to drive more traffic to the Madrinas site.

This exciting tool is still in its infancy, and we’re looking for ideas on how to utilize this technology to improve data driven decision making. Got an idea? Give us a ping at:



Stream Hatchet provides meaningful statistics and analytics for the game streaming scene #Twitch